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What Is Spot Bowling?

What Is Spot Bowling? - Bowlingview

Bowling – it’s a game most of us know and love. But when you hear “spot bowling,” do you find yourself puzzled?

It’s likely the case because this method of bowling, although common among professionals, is not as widely known among beginners or casual players.

In this blog post, we will dive into the world of spot bowling, providing a detailed definition, exploring its technique, and offering bowling tips that are bound to improve your game. So, let’s start our exploration of the spot bowling definition.

Understanding the Basics of Bowling

Let’s start by taking a step back and looking at the basic rules of regular bowling. The game’s objective is simple – a bowler tries to knock down as many pins as possible by rolling a ball down the lane.

To be good at bowling, especially spot bowling, you need to know the different parts of the bowling lane.

Try to imagine a bowling lane. It’s like a long, flat strip that’s about 60 feet long from the line where you stand (the foul line) to the place where the pins are set up (the pin deck), and it’s roughly 3.5 feet wide.

The lane’s surface is called the “board,” comprising 39 smaller strips or “boards” that run across the lane. There are also arrows, dots, and the foul line on the lane – all important features that you need to be familiar with.

The Concept of Spot Bowling

So what exactly is spot bowling? In its simplest definition, spot bowling is a bowling technique where bowlers aim at a target or a “spot” on the lane, usually the arrows or dots, instead of the pins.

This might seem counterintuitive at first. After all, isn’t the ultimate goal to knock down the pins? But here’s the thing: the pins are 60 feet away, while the arrows on the lane are much closer, just 12-15 feet past the foul line.

The Concept of Spot Bowling - Bowlingview
The Concept of Spot Bowling

This makes them an easier target for your eye to focus on.

This method has a straightforward rationale: it’s easier for the human eye to target objects closer rather than those further away accurately.

So, in this case, using the arrows as your target allows for a more accurate throw. And remember, accuracy is key in a game of bowling.

Techniques and Strategies in Spot Bowling

Spot bowling targets a spot on the lane rather than aiming directly for the pins. You can adopt several techniques to make your spot bowling more effective. Below, we’ve listed some must-haves and nice-to-haves for spot bowling:

Must-Haves Nice-To-Haves
A good understanding of the lane and its features Knowledge of different bowling ball styles
Ability to focus on a closer target (arrows/dots) Understanding of how lane conditions affect the ball
Consistent footwork and delivery Ability to adjust technique based on a lane condition


For beginners, start by standing at the approach, with your feet slightly behind the foul line. Pick a target, such as one of the arrows on the lane. Now, instead of looking toward the pins, focus on the arrow.

Fix your aim, don’t take your eyes off your target, and roll the ball. You’re trying to get the ball to go right over the arrow or dot you picked out. Remember, it’s much easier to hit something that’s only 15 feet away than something that’s 60 feet away.

Benefits of Spot Bowling

With practice, you’ll discover that spot bowling offers multiple benefits. This technique improves your game’s accuracy and allows for more consistency in your throws.

It helps develop a keen understanding of the lane and its conditions and provides flexibility to adjust to different lane conditions.

By focusing on a spot rather than the pins, you’ll find it easier to consistently hit your mark. You’ll learn to make slight adjustments based on the condition of the lane, leading to better results.

Spot Bowling in Professional Bowling

Spot bowling isn’t only for people just starting out; many top-level bowlers use this technique too. They say this way of bowling helps them get higher scores and be more accurate.

For instance, they often aim for the second arrow from the right because it can guide the ball to the “pocket.”

The pocket is the space between the first and third pins for those who bowl with their right hand and between the first and second pins for those who bowl with their left hand.

Hitting the pocket increases your chances of knocking down all the pins, also known as a strike. Everyone who bowls dreams of getting several strikes one after another, and spot bowling can make this dream come true.


Spot bowling is more than just a style; it’s a technique to improve your game. It involves focusing on a closer target on the lane rather than the distant pins.

On your next bowling trip, try aiming for an arrow. It might feel strange initially, but with practice, your game can improve significantly.

If you want to enhance your scores and enjoy more, give spot bowling a shot. It might be your pathway to more strikes and fun!