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What Is Meant By Follow-Through In Bowling?

What Is Meant By Follow-Through In Bowling - Bowlingview

Bowling is more than a popular recreational activity; it is a sport that demands skill, precision, and technique.

Played by millions worldwide, people enjoy it not just as a casual pastime, but also as a competitive sport with professional athletes and leagues. However, what separates a casual player from a skilled bowler is a deep understanding and application of bowling techniques.

One crucial aspect of these techniques is known as ‘follow-through’. The follow-through in bowling, often overlooked by beginners, significantly influences the path, speed, and rotation of the bowling ball, ultimately determining your success on the lanes. Let’s delve into what follow-through in bowling truly means.

What is Follow-Through in Bowling?

Follow-through in bowling refers to the continued motion of your arm and hand after the ball has left your grip. It’s the natural extension of your swing after the release, and it should be smooth and controlled.

This final movement can enhance the accuracy and speed of your delivery, as it helps to maintain alignment with your target and perpetuate the momentum generated during your approach and release.

The role of follow-through in bowling cannot be overstated. An effective follow-through ensures that the ball travels along the desired path and reaches the pins at the optimal angle.

It also impacts the rotation and speed of the ball, which are crucial for achieving strikes consistently. In essence, the follow-through is a key determinant of your bowling performance and score.

Why is Follow-Through Important in Bowling?

Follow-through in bowling plays a pivotal role in bowling performance by impacting three key areas: direction, speed, and rotation of the ball. A consistent and effective follow-through ensures the ball travels along the desired path, enhancing your overall accuracy.

When you properly extend your arm and fingers towards your target in the follow-through, you are essentially guiding the ball on its trajectory, reducing the possibility of deviating off course.

In addition to direction, follow-through also impacts the speed or velocity of the ball. A smooth and swift follow-through can help maintain momentum from your approach and release, translating it into the ball’s speed. A faster ball speed can contribute to a more powerful impact on the pins, increasing the chances of a strike.

Lastly, follow-through affects the rotation of the ball. The continuation of your hand and arm motion during follow-through imparts the necessary spin on the ball.

This rotation is crucial for executing hooks, where the ball curves towards the pins, effectively increasing your scoring potential.

Overall, a well-executed follow-through can significantly enhance your bowling accuracy, speed, and rotation, setting you up for a more successful game.

How to Achieve Proper Follow-Through in Bowling

Achieving a proper follow-through in bowling isn’t overly complex, but it does require practice. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you perfect your follow-through:

  • Stand Correctly: Position yourself correctly at the line. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your body should be slightly angled towards the lane.
  • Grip the Ball Properly: Your grip on the ball is crucial. Your fingers should be placed in the holes of the ball and your thumb should be fully inserted. Make sure the grip is firm but relaxed.
  • The Swing and Release: Start with your arm hanging down and the ball positioned in the center. Swing your arm naturally back and forth like a pendulum, keeping it close to your body. As your arm comes forward, release the ball onto the lane by letting it slide off your fingers.
  • The Follow-Through: After releasing the ball, continue to move your arm upwards. Your arm should end up around head height with your fingers pointing towards the pins. Your palm should be facing upwards, indicating a proper follow-through.
  • Hold the Position: Maintain your pose until the ball hits the pins, helping reinforce muscle memory for the correct follow-through.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Consistently practicing this follow-through technique will help you improve your bowling skills.

Consider using lighter balls during practice sessions, as this can make it easier on your arm while you learn the proper technique. And remember, a relaxed body performs better, so try not to tense up during your throws.

Common Mistakes in Follow-Through and How to Avoid Them

In bowling, a good follow-through is crucial, but many beginners often make mistakes in this area.

One common mistake is not continuing the swing after releasing the ball, known as a ‘short arm’. This can lead to lower ball speed and reduced accuracy. To avoid this, ensure that after releasing the ball, your arm continues its upward trajectory until it is around head height.

Another frequent error is the ‘chicken wing’, where the bowler’s arm strays away from the body during the follow-through. This often results in the ball not rolling straight. To correct this, keep your swing close to your body and envision your arm as a pendulum swinging back and forth.

Lastly, tense muscles can also negatively affect your follow-through. A rigid arm can limit the smoothness of your swing and release.

To prevent this, maintain a relaxed but firm grip on the ball and avoid tensing your muscles throughout the throw. Remember, mastering the follow-through takes time and practice. So keep these common mistakes and their corrections in mind during your next bowling session.


In conclusion, the importance of follow-through in bowling cannot be overstated. It is pivotal to ensure that your swing continues after releasing the ball to enhance ball speed and accuracy. Avoid the common mistakes of ‘short arm’ and ‘chicken wing’, always keeping your swing close to your body and letting your arm reach around head height naturally.

Additionally, remember the golden rule of maintaining a relaxed body, especially in your grip on the ball and muscle tone throughout the throw. These tips, while simple, can drastically improve your bowling game when applied consistently.

We encourage all bowlers to integrate these strategies into their practice sessions and gameplay. The path to bowling mastery is built on commitment and consistency, so keep practicing and you’ll definitely see improvements.


In the following section, we will address a few commonly asked questions about bowling follow-through, aiming to offer deeper insights and provide practical tips to improve your game.

Let’s dive into these frequently asked questions (FAQs) to enhance your understanding and performance on the bowling alley.

A: In bowling, follow-through refers to the motion of the arm swing process after you release the bowling ball.

It is a vital part of the swing that ensures your bowl is continuously in the right direction and with the right amount of force. It can influence the speed and curve of the bowling ball.

A: Follow-through is crucial in bowling because it helps complete the swing arc. It ensures a consistent arm swing from start to finish, maintaining accuracy, power, and control. Without a proper follow-through, your bowling ball might not end up where you intend it to.

A: If a bowler doesn’t complete the bowling swing follow-through, the bowling ball might not travel in the intended direction with the desired speed. It could lead to less than full swing arcs, which might affect the accuracy and power of the throw.

A: To properly follow through in bowling, ensure that your bowling hand and arm continue in an upward motion along the swing arc after the ball’s release. The arm swing’s upward motion should ideally extend till it’s approximately at shoulder height.

A: The bowling follow through can effectively guide the bowling ball’s journey down the lane.

The direction of your follow through motion generally aligns with the path you want your ball to take. Hence, a good follow through can improve the accuracy of your bowling ball’s direction.

A: Absolutely; a bowling coach can provide useful tips to help you bowl better, which includes improving your bowling swing follow through. They can guide you on how to properly swing your bowling arm and how to follow through effectively to enhance your overall performance.

A: While the bowling hand plays a significant part in the follow through motion, the role of the bowling shoulder and the rest of the body can’t be ignored. The forward swing and follow through involve your complete body, including your arm, shoulder, and even the bowling slide foot.

A: The follow through is considered a part of the bowling swing. It starts from the bottom of the swing arc and continues in an upward motion along the swing arc. It’s integral to the bowling swing and not a separate phase.

A: No, the bowling follow through can vary between bowlers.

Different bowlers might have different follow through styles depending upon their arm swing process, thrown speed, and individual techniques. It’s the key to bowling in a way that works best for you.

A: There are numerous online resources, including blogs, videos, and tutorials that explain follow through in bowling.

Many bowling coaches and experienced bowlers share weekly more informative tips. You can also consider joining a bowling club or consulting a local bowling coach.