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Can You Repair A Cracked Bowling Ball?

Can You Repair A Cracked Bowling Ball - Bowlingview

Bowling is a sport cherished by many, but to ensure continued good performance, it’s crucial to maintain your bowling ball properly. Just like any sports equipment, bowling balls are subject to wear and tear, and if not adequately cared for, they can develop cracks that affect their performance or even make them unusable.

This article provides a comprehensive guide on preventive measures to help keep your bowling ball in optimal condition, thus prolonging its lifespan and ensuring your game stays at its best.

The Anatomy of a Bowling Ball

Bowling balls, contrary to what most people might believe, are more than just solid spheres. They are meticulously engineered for performance and balance. The core of the bowling ball plays a pivotal role in determining its motion on the lane. It’s generally made of dense materials like resin and ceramic, and its shape can greatly affect the spin of the ball. Encasing the core is the mid-layer or the ‘inner shell’.

This is typically made of polyester or urethane, providing additional weight and control. Lastly, the outer shell, or the coverstock, is what actually makes contact with the lane. It’s composed of various types of plastics, urethanes, or reactive resins, each offering different levels of friction.

The quality and composition of these layers significantly influence the bowling ball’s performance. Understanding this anatomy can help one better grasp why a bowling ball might crack and how to possibly repair it.

Causes of Cracks in Bowling Balls

In the world of bowling, the longevity and performance of a bowling ball hinge significantly on its structural integrity, with cracks posing a serious threat. Let’s delve into the primary causes of these damaging fissures, exploring how temperature fluctuations and improper handling contribute to the degradation of bowling balls.

Insights into why bowling balls crack

Bowling balls can crack due to a variety of reasons, the most common of which include extreme temperature changes and improper handling. Exposing the ball to drastically fluctuating temperatures can cause it to expand and contract, leading to the development of stress fractures over time.

Similarly, dropping the ball from a height, or mishandling it, can result in immediate cracks or weaken the structure, which may lead to cracking in the future.

Even improper storage, such as placing the ball in an uneven or unstable spot, can create undue pressure on certain points, promoting crack formation.

Understandably, the material composition of the ball also plays a role in its susceptibility to cracking. For instance, balls with plastic coverstocks are generally more durable than those made of reactive resin.

The impact of temperature changes and improper handling

Temperature changes and improper handling profoundly impact the longevity of bowling balls. Regular exposure to extreme temperature shifts leads to repeated expansion and contraction cycles in the ball. This thermal stress gradually forms microfractures within the ball’s structure, which can eventually manifest as visible cracks.

On the other hand, incorrect handling, like dropping the ball or storing it in unstable places, puts undue strain on specific areas. Such localized pressure points can potentially weaken the structural integrity of the ball, resulting in cracks or even breakages.

Consequently, the ball’s performance is compromised, and its lifespan is significantly reduced. Hence, proper care in handling and storing bowling balls, as well as avoiding extreme temperature changes, is crucial for maintaining their durability and effectiveness.

Can You Repair a Cracked Bowling Ball?

Yes, it is possible to repair a cracked bowling ball. However, the effectiveness of the repair often depends on the severity of the crack and the expertise applied in fixing it.

Professional repairs are recommended for extensive damage as they have specialized tools and knowledge to ensure the longevity of the repair. They employ methods such as plug-and-patch, which involves filling the crack with a high-strength filler and patching the surface to restore its original smoothness.

On the other hand, for minor cracks and cosmetic damages, DIY repairs can be a feasible option. The process typically involves sanding the cracked area and using a bowling ball repair kit that includes a special filler to mend the crack.

Regardless of the route chosen, it’s important to remember that repairs can alter the ball’s performance to some degree. Therefore, a player’s skill level and the importance they place on the consistency of their ball’s performance should be key considerations when deciding between professional or DIY repairs.

The Process of Repairing a Cracked Bowling Ball

To repair a cracked bowling ball, you’ll need some key materials: a bowling ball repair kit, sandpaper, and a clean cloth. Here’s the step-by-step guide:

  1. Identify the Damage: Firstly, examine the bowling ball for cracks. Identifying the extent of the damage will help in deciding whether professional repair is needed or if a DIY repair can suffice.
  2. Prepare the Ball: Clean the ball with a soft cloth to remove any debris or dust. This will ensure a smooth repair process.
  3. Sand the Damaged Area: Using a piece of sandpaper, carefully sand down the cracked area. This roughens the surface, allowing the repair filler to adhere better.
  4. Apply the Filler: Using your bowling ball repair kit, apply the filler into the crack. Ensure the filler is evenly spread and fills the crack completely.
  5. Smooth the Surface: Once the filler has dried, sand the area again to level it with the rest of the ball’s surface.
  6. Clean and Polish: Wipe down the ball to remove any remaining dust or debris, then polish it to restore its shine.

Remember, the goal is to make the repair as seamless as possible to avoid altering the ball’s performance. If the damage is beyond your skill to repair, consider seeking professional help.

Risks Involved in Bowling with a Repaired Ball

Bowling with a repaired ball can introduce certain risks and downsides that users should be aware of. The most significant risk is the potential for inconsistent performance. Even when repaired carefully, the ball’s balance and weight distribution may be affected, leading to unpredictable movements and reduced accuracy during play.

Furthermore, the repaired area might not be as durable as the original material, making the ball more susceptible to future damage. Over time, the filler used in the repair process may also shrink or expand depending on temperature changes, causing further inconsistencies.

Lastly, professional leagues often have stringent rules and may not allow the use of repaired balls in tournaments. Always consider these factors and consult with a professional if in doubt.

How to Prevent Bowling Ball Cracks

To prolong the lifespan of your bowling ball and maintain its optimal performance, it’s crucial to understand and implement proper preventive measures against cracking. Here are some fundamental tips on how to prevent your bowling balls from cracking:

  1. Store Properly: Always ensure your bowling ball is stored in a cool, dry place. Exposure to extreme temperatures can cause the ball to crack.
  2. Regular Cleaning: Cleaning the bowling ball regularly helps to prevent the build-up of oil and dirt, which can cause stress points that lead to cracks.
  3. Use a Bowling Bag: A bowling bag provides cushioning that prevents the ball from dropping or getting knocked, which could cause cracks.
  4. Avoid Sudden Temperature Changes: Do not subject the ball to sudden temperature changes, as this can lead to the development of cracks.
  5. Rotate the Ball: Rotating the ball regularly while in storage can help prevent the weight of the ball from creating pressure points that can lead to cracks.
  6. Professional Maintenance: Consider periodic professional maintenance to ensure your bowling ball remains in top condition.


In conclusion, maintaining the longevity and performance of your bowling ball involves understanding the factors that can lead to cracks and damage.

Storing the ball properly in a cool, dry place, regular cleaning, the use of a cushioned bowling bag, avoiding sudden temperature changes, rotating the ball during storage, and considering periodic professional maintenance are all integral preventive measures.

While it’s possible to repair minor cracks, significant damage often requires professional intervention, and some repaired balls may not be permissible in professional leagues.

The essence of bowling ball maintenance is prevention, and by following these steps, you can help ensure your bowling ball remains in top condition for as long as possible.


Navigating the complexities of bowling ball maintenance and repair might seem overwhelming, but the following frequently asked questions (FAQs) aim to shed light on key aspects related to ball durability, repairability, and performance post-repair.

You can fix a small crack on your bowling ball using a sealant. First, clean the entire ball carefully with a grit pad to remove grime and oil.

Apply the sealant inside and around the crack and follow up with 3-4 coats of ball polish. Once the polish has dried, drill out the cracked area, clean it, and fill it with a special plug. It’s important to be careful around the crack and avoid causing more damage.

Several factors can cause a bowling ball to crack. The most common reason is sudden changes in temperature and humidity which cause the ball to expand and contract at different rates. Other causes could be dropping the ball or using it on a surface it’s not designed for. Even storing your bowling ball incorrectly could lead to cracks.

It’s not advisable to bowl with a cracked ball. The crack can alter a bowling ball’s quality and hamper its predictability, affecting your performance.

Keeping your bowling ball clean and dry, and storing it at room temperature can prevent it from cracking. Also, try to avoid dropping it and use it on the surfaces it’s intended for. If the crack is already there, fixing it immediately will prevent it from getting bigger.

A deep crack is harder to fix. It could still be filled with a sealant and polished over, but the strength of the ball and its predictability can be drastically affected, particularly if the crack is near the finger holes or the track area of the ball.

When a sealant or resin cannot fix the crack or if the entire surface of the ball is cracked, it might be time to get a new bowling ball. If the ball’s predictability is affected and is hindering your performance, that’s another sign to consider getting a new ball.

Not all bowling balls can be repaired, particularly if they have deep cracks or are composed of materials that may not respond well to a sealant. Also, the type of damage can determine whether a ball is repairable or not.

While repairing a ball may extend its life and enable you to keep using it, it’s unlikely to restore the ball completely to its original performance. The nature and location of the crack can significantly affect a ball’s quality.

Yes, a repaired ball might roll differently than before.

The crack and the repair may change the ball’s weight distribution and overall balance, which can, in turn, impact its performance.

The durability of a bowling ball depends mainly on its construction and material. However, balls from reputable companies like Storm, Hammer, and Brunswick are recognized for their quality.

Regardless of the brand, practicing proper care and maintenance can prolong any bowling ball’s life and prevent it from getting cracked.